Sunday, May 5, 2013

The Final Farewell

       Well fellow bloggers, it has been a year filled with learning, new experiences, new interactions, new skills, and 73 blogs. Blogging for class ends at the conclusion of this blog, but I might tune in from time to time. I started my blogs with sports blog after sports blog, after sports blog. Then I started to blog about random things going on and haven’t blogged about sports for a while. So, without further ado, a sports blog to end the school year:

     The NFL draft wrapped up last month and rookie minicamps are in full swing.  The Packers drafted nine players with another nine other rookies being signed as free agents. These 18 players have been working hard in practice and head coach Mike McCarthy claims this is one of his favorite groups he has ever worked with. That being said, I am getting excited for the start of the NFL season.
     One drafted player that I am very curious about is former University of Iowa Corner Back Micah Hyde. I was surprised to see him go to the backers. Although a great player, I wasn’t sure he would be able to be too successful as a cornerback in the NFL.  After some thinking, I came to the conclusion that they might have drafted him with a kick returner in mind.
     The majority of the Packer’s kicks last year were returned by wide receiver Randal Cobb. As the injury prone Packer’s receiver corps took a hit with the injury to Greg Jennings, Cobb stepped up to fill that role. Needless to say, he wasn’t returning very many kicks anymore. With Jennings now off the team, Cobb will be a starting receiver for the Packers. There is no way he will return kicks. This is where Hyde comes in to play. He is a cornerback that most likely won’t be a starting, but he has a good record of returning kicks at Iowa. He was very elusive and could really break for some great returns. I wouldn’t be surprised if he was back deep for the Pack this season as their main kick returner.
     It’s been a long journey bloggers, one I probably wouldn’t wish to repeat. I’ll still blog for fun now and again, but I won’t be having three blogs per week on the button. I look forward to blogging about whatever I want and having no requirements. Although blogging wasn’t something I was extremely fond of, it allowed me to improve my writing and therefore I am better off. (WC 422)

Friday, May 3, 2013

Wasting The Weather Away

There are only a few more weeks left this school year, and man is that exciting! With AP tests just about over, it seems although I have very little homework to do. And if I have homework, I have very little, to no motivation to get it done considering the weather is to die for! As all teachers say, just finish strong and you have the rest of the year to enjoy the weather; I on the other hand, defer that statement.
Right now the temperature is between 65 degrees and 75 degrees on a daily basis when it is around 65 degrees it is the perfect weather for physical activity outside. It might be a little chilly at first but it feels great after a couple minutes of moving around. And when the weather is on the upper end of that range it is a perfect day to just be outside the whole time. It isn’t too hot and not chilly at all. It is a perfect temperature to take the dog for a walk, or get some yard work done. Very rarely do we get into the high 80’s this time of year so it is the PERFECT month to spend outside. The only downside of this whole weather thing, is school. School is holding us back from enjoying this great weather!
Once we get out of May and into June and July, the temperatures begin to soar, 85 degrees, 90 degrees, 100 degrees, you name it, we can get there. During the summer it can become so unbearable! It gets to the point where just walking outside is dreaded because you break a sweat just standing there. There is very rarely a cool breeze, and even in the shade it is about 90 degrees. So pretty much summer weather can be unbearable many times throughout its duration. There are still some very nice days throughout the summer, but those are sporadic, the majority of the days are scorching hot.
If we got out of school at the end of April and started a month earlier that would benefit me more. That way we could get out when the weather gets nice and be able to enjoy it, rather than having to be tied down with school work. July is hot as can be so going to school might not be so bad. I know it is easier for me to study in April than it is now. Right now I want to be outside enjoying this weather. So teachers, no-we don’t have the rest of the summer to enjoy this weather, it becomes too hot. We only have about 20 more days to enjoy it. Consequently school ends in about that many days too… (WC 458)

Thursday, May 2, 2013

Crime is Pride

I agree with the assertion made by Teiresias that, “all men make mistakes but a good man yields when he knows his course is wrong, and repairs the evil: The only crime is pride.”  This assertion makes a realization that is so very true but is often over looked. This statement wouldn’t be the same if it didn’t start with, “all men make mistakes.”
Having the quote start with that phrase creates even ground and a closer distance between Teiresias and the reader. It declares that no man is perfect and no man lives life without ever doing something he shouldn’t.  Then the quote sates, “but a good man yields when he knows his course is wrong.” This states that even when those guys who seem to be perfect mess up, they catch themselves. They stop in their steps and do not continue the unaccepted act. This leads right into the next part of this quote, “he knows his course is wrong, and repairs the evil.” In this section it is showing that that so called perfectly good man who just messed up is now going back to make what was known as is unacceptable act an act people will appreciate. Although the initial act cannot be erased, it can be mended. And mending is exactly what the phrase, “repair the evil” means.
The very last phrase of the excerpt is the most difficult to interpret. “The only crime is pride.” That phrase alone could be the whole excerpt. How I viewed it is that having pride in yourself and your actions is what can sometimes get you into trouble. For example, if I go out and do graffiti on the side of a bridge, I might be very proud and prideful in my art work, when in all reality, I committed a crime. Therefore, pride can be crime.
One thing I feel really gives this statement validity is that fact that like I said before, it reaches common ground. It doesn’t just say that all men make mistakes and do nothing about it. It brings out the good side and the bad side. The good side being that a good man goes back and mends his mistake where as a bad or undesirable man would be too proud of himself and his actions to go back and make anything better.In his mind he did nothing wrong. In a good man’s mind, he stops the act, and makes it better. Because the statement touches on both good and bad, I fell it holds a lot of validity. (WC 430)