Sunday, October 21, 2012

Another Political Call

I am getting so sick of all of these political ads, as is most everyone as I can imagine. By this time of year most everyone has decided who they are going to vote for. One measly call at 9pm is not going to change many people votes. The biggest way to sway voters in your favor are the debates. The debates show us who you are under pressure, who you are when criticized, and how you fire back. Debates, although facts may be not totally credible, are in my opinion the best way to gain more support.

     Last week I took a tally of how many people called asking for my vote. Thirty three. That is thirty three more phone calls than I care to answer. Every time the phone rings I have made it known I will answer. I simply answer in the driest tone possible, they ask me who I am voting for if the election were held today, and I respond, "I am not of age to vote." I would think that would end the conversation; it never does. So then the next question they ask is usually around the lines of, if you could vote, who would you vote for. Once again, trying to be difficult I respond,"due to the fact that I am ineligible to fill out a ballot I do not feel I am an accurate representation of the nation's vote." They then ask me if I consider myself an independent. For the third time, trying to be a smart Alec, I respond, "I am not a registered voter, I do not consider myself independent, democrat, republican, or Whig. Good bye and God bless 'Murica."

     The reactions I get vary but the ones I love are the people who still try and get an answer from me. To be honest I start to not like the candidate who does the most negative campaigning, who has the most ads, and who calls me the most. Oh and by the way campaign last name is pronounced (Guy-ger) not (Gee-ger). Thank you. (WC 350)

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