Wednesday, October 17, 2012

Yet Another Phone Tabusted

One thing that I cannot stand is when my phone malfunctions. For the fourth time in a year it has decided to not work properly and turn off whenever I slide it open. This problem seems to only happen to me and no one else in my family. I just don’t quite understand why the same thing happens over, and over, and over again.
Each time this happens I have to go to the cell phone store, they look at it, determine it is an interior (Manufacturer) problem. After that they send me a new phone of the same model and I send the messed up phone to the company. If they prove I didn’t do anything to it, the replacement is free. If for some reason they prove I did do something to cause that problem, it costs me 200 dollars. The past three times it has been the phones fault and I am positive the same is true this time.
The reason it is so annoying, is because it takes forever at the phone store for them to tell me what I already know. It also takes about five days to get a new phone so meanwhile I’m either stuck with a crappy loaner, or my malfunctioning one. Not having a phone isn’t the end of the world for me, but it is really irritating especially when I am trying to contact people or get a hold of my parents.
Usually when this interior system problem occurs, I just text people off of my iPad because it is a lot easier than trying to learn the keyboard of a new (loaner) phone. I guarantee you that when I go to the phone store today the sales associate will tell me the same thing they always do, “it looks like you are in need of a new phone.’’ I will politely respond, “Nope, I just need a new one because this one seems to have a system malfunction.” They always try and deny that that is the problem, but after a few times of me telling them that it’s not my fault, my dad will jump in, sternly speak with the salesperson, and from there we are sent to the technician.
The Technician will take one look at it, tell me it is my touch display connector piece that is doing something funky and I will be sent a new phone in 3-5 business days. If it were up to me, I would get a different phone because this same model has failed me four times now. However, if I do that I am out 300 bucks. So until my two year agreement is up I will continue to endure the irritation of a phone that breaks down very quickly. (WC 461)

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