Tuesday, September 18, 2012

Homecoming "Expectations"

As times change so do school dances. This year Kennedy High School has come up with some guidelines for this year’s homecoming dance. The list of expectations states:
“1. It is expected that all students will wear clothing appropriate for a school event.
2. It is expected that clothing will be worn as intended at all times. Boys are expected to keep their shirts on. Girls are expected to keep their dresses and skirts at the intended length. Pulling skirts/dresses up is unacceptable.
3. It is expected that all students will dance appropriately. Simulating sex acts, dancing with hands on the ground, etc. are inappropriate.”
Personally, I think these are rather pointless. I’m sorry, but I have no intention of showing up naked, and I won’t be dancing with my hands on the ground…just saying. These rules or expectations rather, seem to be directed to those who show up and seem to have left their common sense at home. Homecoming is a school event and I don’t know why you would why you would want to portray yourself poorly by disregarding these rules.
Grinding is something that’s going to happen, there isn’t anything anyone can put in a rule book that will stop it completely. It is just what today’s teenagers do. I’m not trying to make stereotypes, but about 80% of the people dancing are grinding. However, is that disobeying one of the expectations? We are still clothed, the dress is still at normal length, hands aren’t on the ground, and it isn’t technically simulating sex acts…is it?
Now as stupid or obvious these rules sound, it is still an issue that needs to be addressed, I guess. Having gone to both a Kennedy and a Jefferson homecoming I find it fascinating the difference between the two. At Jefferson it could best be described as Grind Fest 2012. Everybody, in one huge mob, for three hours, that’s all that goes on. It makes me wonder, do they have expectations? I’m going to guess not because if they got a nice little piece of paper with rules stated on it, I’m SURE everyone would stop what they were doing and obey them. NOT. I mean c’mon, the majority of everyone at the homecoming dance will be grinding. Better not, because if you do the little piece of paper says “Students who do not follow the expectations will be asked to leave the dance.” I guess the dance will be rather small this year…

(WC 413)

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