Sunday, September 30, 2012

School Lunch, or Lack There of

     Many people are able to make it through the day without eating lunch, however I am not one of those people. I must have lunch or I am not able to focus one bit. Sitting in class with my stomach growling and mind wondering is one of the most annoying things in the world. Not only am I hungry, but I am missing out on important and valuable information.
     This year the cafeteria food has gone drastically downhill, which is saying a lot considering it wasn't that great to begin with. Not only are we limited on calories, and have no desserts most of the time, but we are paying more for less! This year we very seldom get dessert and portions are smaller, yet I pay an average of 25 cents more per meal. It is as if the government is now controlling what I eat, and in no way do I agree with these new policies.
     We are expected to take a fruit and vegetable which is ok unless all we are going to do is throw it away because it is fake and disgusting. Then I'm not only wasting money, but wasting food. It is as if the government thinks of all of us school children as unhealthy, immature, couch potatoes. Well you know what, we aren't. I understand the push for healthy lunches but for goodness sake, some of us need some more calories in our bodies. Athletes simply cannot function if all they are allowed is 700 calories for lunch. That's like my after school snack nowadays, and it is beginning to really irritate me that I often have to buy two lunches just to satisfy my hunger. It's not good for me or the bank account, and something needs to change.
     The majority of us young adults are not obese and need to eat more than we are allowed just to keep going. Is health more important than education? If it is why don't you start feeding real food, and if it isn't then feed me enough food so I can focus the rest of the day. I'm not the only one who is upset; parents, and other students also are crying out. I would appreciate if my diet was not regulated by government and school policies and I could get portions that actually fill me up. We are not all unhealthy, I wish someone would realize that. I want real food, and so does everyone else. (WC 413)

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