Thursday, December 20, 2012

School Tomorrow = Pointless.

As I'm sitting here on this much needed snow day, I look outside and see that we got no where near 12 inches of snow like projected. We didn't even get 8! It really bugs me when the weather man/lady says we are supposed to get 8-12 inches of snow and we don't even get close to the lower amount of that range. C'mon, you can do better, cant ya?

I just got in from clearing snow the first time and I am already dreading the second, and possibly third time I will have to go out. It was definitely a good called snow day, but now we have to go back to school tomorrow for one very unproductive and unwanted day of school...bleh.

Tomorrow we will watch movies, eat candy canes, do crafts, and other busy work that I could very well not do and spend my time better by finishing shopping, or cleaning the house for company, or maybe even cleaning my room. Tomorrow is pointless no matter how you look at it. Many teachers don't want to be there either. One of mine told us if we have school on friday, he's taking the day off. I completely see his logic. Tomorrow is pointless.

Another reason why tomorrow will not be worth it is because right when we get done doing our coloring sheets, the teacher will assign us some homework over break. I would rather of done that in class than do it over break. Thats a waste of time and very unappreciated. Our teachers are paid to teach, not put DVDs in the DVD player. I might as well stay home, watch Elf, and eat cookies, and I will have been more productive than most students and teachers will be tomorrow.

Well instead of ranting anymore about how stupid it will be to go back to school for one day, I might as well enjoy the rest of this snow day. I can't go anywhere, and I'm guessing our power will go out soon, as many in the Cedar Rapids area are without power. Ive got our candles stocked, food ready, driveway cleared, blankets warmed, and fire wood set. So whatever this blizzard brings, I really really hope it brings us one last snow day tomorrow. That would be the ultimate christmas present, and would be much appreciated by everyone! (WC 398)


  1. I wish we could watch chirstmas movies the week before break instead of having us take tests

  2. I like the last day of school because we get all of our tests out of the way.

  3. I totally agree with everything you said! I could have spent Friday at home cleaning for company so I wouldn't have had to do it on Saturday when I actually had plans!

  4. I agree it was nice to get our tests out of the way before we went on break so we didnt hve to come back and take them.
