Friday, December 14, 2012

Tragedy Strikes Once Again

This morning tragedy struck once again in this country. The news broke that 27 people have been confirmed dead after a man opened fire in an elementary school. Teachers, administrators, and young elementary students, were now dead. No one in the right mind does this. Young innocent lives, will never be lived to the fullest. Some only had five years to make their presence known, and others a few more. Either way, lives were taken to early, way way way to early and in a horrible way.
Evil roams this earth. This week there has been two bodies found that were missing for 143 days, two people were gunned down in an Oregon Mall and now, 27 lives conformed gone in a Connecticut ELEMENTARY school. Not long ago there was a movie theater shooting in Colorado, and in 2008 a massacre at Virginia Tech University. Evil is roaming this earth and it is a very very scary thing. To know that tomorrow I will walk into my school knowing at any moment in time someone could pull a gun. Last year I did some research on school violence and discovered that on average, in each school, at least one person has a gun. That is a very scary thought. It makes us rethink exactly what we are thankful for.
Each one of those families was getting ready for the holidays, excited, curious, and awaiting Santa Claus. Now, instead of giving gifts, they have received grief. A burden they will carry for the rest of their lives. The families of those who are now gone will grieve instead of celebrate. There is no reason those kids and adults deserved to die. It is sickening to know someone is that ill to do that.  
My heart aches and goes out to the families who have lost a loved one. I also am thinking about the hundreds of kids that heard what happened or maybe even saw it. Or maybe even made eye contact with the gunman, but survived. Those kids will be mentally scared forever. This will never leave them. But may God use them to make the future brighter, and tell their story and hopefully help make this world a safer place. Good can, and will beat evil. The battle has begun. (WC 381)

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