Sometimes I don’t think people
completely understand the amount of thought and time that go into giving Christmas
presents. I always think I have a good idea and then I see something else that
is five times better. Only to realize I can’t return the other gift. So now I’m
giving someone two gifts of great value, meanwhile they will feel bad that they
haven’t spent nearly that much. People will deny that that is true, but it is.
We always put price tags on things and when we receive a gift, we try and guess
how much it costs.
Lots of
people have barcode scanners on their phones, they scan the bar code and the price
pops up. People are missing the point of Christmas. Christmas is supposed to be
a time of giving as we celebrate Jesus’ birth. However, many people, me included,
get sidetracked from that. Each year we want more and more stuff. If we end up
not getting what we wanted we end up disappointed. This year I have spent, and
am giving more than I ever have, simply because I don’t know what to get! I
have lists of items that I’m looking for, but sometimes I can’t find them and
have to resort to getting other things. Now for each gift I’m giving, I have to
think of a creative saying to go with it. I’m not that creative, so I have
resorted to the creative minds in my classes to help me out. Each gift has to
do with either an inside joke between I and the recipient, or something that
describes who they are.
For my
dad, he wants a baseball stadium calendar. Well, it just so happens the store I
always get it at doesn’t sell them anymore. So I resorted to a Cubs calendar.
Right as I bought that, I get an email saying that store just got some in. Now,
I have two calendars for him, and no one needs or wants two. And who likes the
Cubs anymore? So what I did was cut out the pictures from the Cubs magazine and
made a cubs collage. Actually I just had the idea, my sister did the work. Christmas shopping when you aren’t creative
gets very difficult, so for me, it really does take lots of thought. I will
stand in an aisle for minutes on end trying to decide whether or not to buy something.
Yesterday I was in the freaking hallmark store for 45 minutes. That just about
exceeded my limit. Cards plus candles plus books plus ornaments plus candy plus
songs plus women who ask me if I need help every 5 minutes simple don’t appeal to
me. On the bright side, I left with two gifts that I am very excited to give.
(WC 470)
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