Thursday, January 17, 2013

Beautiful: Outside and In

Often times I believe many females are self-conscious about their bodies. Whether it is to look good for a boy, or just be classy, girls/women are often times get caught up in their outer beauty. What some fail to realize is that it’s not all about what’s on the outside that matters, it’s the inner beauty that really counts.
With today’s media and portrayal of women, it is a conceived notion that in order to be liked, you have to be drop dead gorgeous.  It seems like everywhere in advertising you see women, some clothed, and some barely at all. It is what gets the attention nowadays. What ladies will look past sometimes, is the fact that to be liked you don’t need to look perfect, or anywhere close to perfect; just be yourself. According to the term “beautiful” means to be generally pleasing. To some, sights might be pleasing, but to others, what is pleasing is on the inside.
Inner beauty is a thing ladies! To be liked you don’t have to have that perfectly toned and shaped body. If you are a genuine, sweet, caring person, you will be liked by the right people. Those Hollywood and media “fakes” are in it for the money, publicity, and guys. And the majority of guys that pursue those women in skimpy little bikinis, with “perfect” bodies seductively washing a car, are not the guys you want to be with in my opinion. All they are after is sex. I’m sure you would much rather have guys that care about you, rather than your body and looks. Those guys are the ones who look past the outside right into your inner beauty.  
Many ladies are unsatisfied with their body. But the truth is the majority of people who will recognize you think you are cute, beautiful, gorgeous, and/or stunning. Nobody judges your body as harshly as some women judge themselves. Even on those “bad days” someone out there still thinks you are beautiful both outside and in. There is absolutely no need to go to drastic measures to make you look perfect. Because your “perfect” is impossible to get to, but I guarantee someone else already thinks you look perfect. Don’t become theses stats, just be yourself. (WC 377)

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